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Feb 7 2024

Suffolk County Coed Softball Association

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Welcome to the online home of the SCCSA:
Suffolk County Coed Softball Assocation 



Based in Suffolk County, Long Island, the SCCSA is a leading co-ed softball league for individuals and teams seeking a fun-filled and spirited softball experience. Guided by the leadership of softball enthusiasts, the SCCSA provides a welcoming atmosphere, with an emphasis on inclusivity and sportsmanship. Here, curious newcomers and seasoned players come together for a great time. Throughout our spring, summer, and fall seasons, you will find the camaraderie experienced on the field, often leads to new friendships and lasting connections beyond the softball diamond.

The SCCSA, in addition to being a premier co-ed softball league, is involved in greater causes such as the Challenger Baseball League. We raise funds to renovate the field for the Challenger Baseball League – a league dedicated to offering youths with disabilities the chance to play on their own Field of Dreams.


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